

Endoscopie digestivă terapeutică

Educație și Formare

2020: Atestat endoscopie digestivă terapeutică

2017-2023: Doctorand, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Carol Davila, București

2007-2013: Doctor medic, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Carol Davila, București

Experiență Profesională

2022-2023: Medic specialist gastroenterologie, Institutul Clinic de Boli Digestive și Transplant Hepati Fundeni, București

2021-2023: Expert medical, București

2019-2021: Medic specialist gastroenterologie, Spitalul Universitar de Urgență Elias, București

2018-2023: Medic specialist gastroenterologie, spital privat, București

2017-2021: Medic specialist gastroenterologie, Institutul Clinic de Boli Digestive și Transplant Hepatic Fundeni, București

2014-2017: Medic rezident gastroenterologie , Institutul Clinic de Boli Digestive și Transplant Hepatic Fundeni, București

2014: Medic rezident chirurgie cardiovasculară, Institutul de Urgență pentru Boli Cardiovasculare Prof.Dr. C.C. Iliescu, București

2013: Stagiu de pregatire, Krankenhaus Saarlouis vom DRK, Departamentul de Gastroenterologie, Germania

2012: Stagiu de pregătire, Klinikum Idar-Oberstein GMBH, departmentul de neurochirurgie, Germania

Congrese și Seminarii

2021: ESGE Days Congress, Franța

2021: EURO-EUS 2021, Spaina

2020: 12th National Symposium of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, România

2020: ESGE Days Congress, Franța

2020: EURO-EUS 2020, Spaina

2019: UEG Week, Spania

2019: 11th National Symposium of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, România

2019: Pancreatic Disease Course, România

2018: The 3rd Nordic EUS conference, Danemarca

2019: 6th UpDate on Hepatology Course, Romania

2018: 6th UpDate on Hepatology Course, Austria

2018: Postgraduate Teaching Programme, UEG Week, Austria

2018: Training for Minimal Invasive Interventional Endoscopy Procedures, România

2018: 10th Annual Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, România

2018: Bucharest Pancreatic Fest – Course for Pancreatic diseases, EUC Workshop for Pancreatic Pathology, România

2018: Gastroenterology and Hepatology National Summer School, 15th edition, România

2018: Clinical Ultrasonography in Gastroenterology Practice – Ultrasound Course for Gastroenterology Medical Residents, România

2018: Bucharest Live Endoscopy. România

2018: The 18th National Clinical Nutrition Symposium, România

2017: UEG Summer School, Praga

2017: 9th National Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, România

2017: 6th Course of Pancreatic Diseases and the 7th EUS Workshop for Pancreatic Pathology, România

2017: 37th National Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, România

2017: 4th Update on Hepatology, România

2016: 36th 5ational Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, România

2014: 35th 5ational Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, România


2022: Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group. Recurrent acute pancreatitis prevention by the elimination of alcohol and cigarette smoking (REAPPEAR): protocol of a randomised controlled trial and a cohort study.

2021: An Unusual Etiology of Obstructive Jaundice in a newly diagnosed Celiac Disease Patient

2021: WavSTAT4 optical biopsy vs. virtual chromoendoscopy for prediction of dysplastic histology in diminutive and small colorectal polyps

2020: Which EUS feature best predicts the diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors

2020: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Management in a Romanian Tertiary Gastroenterology Center: Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic

2017: Comparison of Mortality Rates in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding After Implementing of a National Pilot Program for Endoscopic Treatment

Membru în Societăți Științifice Medicale Naționale și Internaționale

Membru al Societatii Europeana de Endoscopie Gastrointestinala (ESGE): Lyon, Fr

Membru al Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva (SRED)

Societatea Română de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie

Formular programări