Chirurgie Toracică
Experiență Profesională
2024-prezent: Medic specialist Chirurgie Toracică, Spitalul Nord Pipera
2023-2024: Fellow Chirurgie vasculară și Chirurgie toracică, Spitalul Paris-Avicenne, Paris
2023: Medic specialist Chirurgie toracică, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2022: Medic rezident Chirurgie toracică, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2022: Medic rezident unitatea de Imagistică toracică, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2022: Medic rezident specializat în explorări funcționale respiratorii, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2021-2022: Medic rezident Chirurgie toracică, Spitalul Universitar Amiens, Franța
2021: Medic rezident chirurgie cardiacă, Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare C.C. Iliescu
2021: Medic rezident Chirurgie toracică, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2010-2021: Medic rezident chirurg, Clinică Bagdasar-Arseni, București
2019-2020: Medic rezident chirurgie toracică, Institutul Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris, Franța
2018-2019: Medic rezident chirurgie toracică, Institutul Național de Pneumologie “Marius Nasta”, București
2015-2016: Medic rezident, China-Congo Friendship Hospital, Congo
Educație și Formare
2020-2021: École Francophone de Prélèvement Multiorgane (EFPMO), Poitiers, Franța
2019-2021: Master în Transplant pulmonar (și cardio-pulmonar).
2019-2020: Curs online Chirurgie toracică oncologică
2017-2023: Specialist Chirurgie toracică
2007-2015: Facultatea de Medicină, Congo
Congrese și Seminarii
Printre cele mai importante numărându-se:
2023: Speaker și participant Societatea Română de Chirurgie Toracică (SRCT), Brașov, România
2023: Participant, The 31st anual meeting European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Milano, Italia
2023: Participant, The 4th Laryngotracheal Course, Medical University of Vienna & European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), Viena, Austria
2022: Participant, The 4th International Sublobar resection and Evolving technics for lung cancer, Paris
2022: Participant, Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy Course, ESTS, Istanbul
2022: Participant și speaker, ATTENDENT AT CHEST WALL SURGERY COURSE European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) and Chest Wall International Group (CWIG), Belgia
2022: The World Conference On Lung Cancer 2022 International Association for Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), Viena, Austria
2022: Participant și speaker, The 75th Meetings Of French Speaking And European Days Of Training French Society Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery (Sfctcv), Saint-Malo, Franța
2022: Participant și speaker la At The 30th General Meeting European Society Of Thoracic Surgeons (Ests), Haga, Olanda
2021: A 21-a reuniune anuală a societății francofone de transplant (SFT), Geneva, 2021
2021: A 74-a reuniune a Societății Franceze de Chirurgie Toracică și Cardio-vasculară (SFCTCV), Bordeaux, Franta
2021: Participant la the screening Symposium :International Association for Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)
2019: Participant la video assisted thoracic surgery Advanced cours, la Copenhaga
2019: Participant si speaker la 17th general meeting of societatea Romane de chirurgie Toracică, Timisoara
2019: the 1st Regional (European) congress of American College of Chest physicians, Athens, Greece
2019: Participant la the 27th general meeting of the European society of thoracic surgeons, Dublin, Irlanda
2018: Participant la începător -intermediate Video assisted thoracic surgery cours, Hamburg
2018: Participant și speaker la the 16th Societatea Romane de chirurgie Toracică 2018, București
Membru în Societăți Științifice Medicale Naționale și Internaționale
2023: European Journal of Cardio Thoracic Surgery: Reviewer
2022: Barw Medical Journal: Editor
2020: French speaking Society of Transplantation (SFT) Member
2019: French Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Member (SFCTCV)
2019: International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASL)
2018: Societatea Română de Chirurgie Toracică (SRCT)
2018: American College of Chest Physicians
2018: European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS)
ESTS survey on subjective perception of management of locally advanced NSCLC
Outcome of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients with a history of any previous cancer operated on by lobectomy or segmentectomy across Europe
A European multicentre study evaluating prognosis of peripheral early-stage adenocarcinoma patients operated on by segmentectomy or lobectomy.
Which extent of surgical resection thoracic surgeons would choose if they were diagnosed with an early-stage lung cancer: a European survey
Upgraded from cT1a-c to pT2a lung cancer, related to visceral pleural invasion, after segmentectomy: is it an indication to complete resection to lobectomy?
Pulmonary Herniation after thoracoscopy
Neuroendocrine syndrome in Bonchial carcinoid tumors
The preservation of the inferior pulmonary ligament in the bronchial sleeve upper lobectomy: May it be possible?
Postpneumonectomy Bronchopleural fistula managed by the early ipsilateral thoracotomy
Distincții și Premii
2018: Certificat de apreciere – Congresul Internațional al Studenților la Medicină din București (IMSCB)
2018: Premiul Traian Oancea – Societatea Română de Chirurgie Toracică (SRCT 1994)