Consult - 350 lei
Control - 250 lei
Control - 250 lei
- Foniatrie, audiologie
- Chirurgie endoscopică ORL
- Videoendoscopie flexibilă
- Laser în microchirurgia laringiană
- Laser în ORL
Specializări în străinătate
- The 5th Manchester Phonosurgery Course, University of Manchester, Anglia, martie 2013;
- Injection Laryngoplasty Hands-on workshop, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germania, septembrie 2013;
- 6th International Course on Laryngostroboscopy and Fiberendoscopic Phonosurgery, Ospedale M. Bufalini, Cesena, Italia, aprilie 2014;
- International Workshop on Phonosurgery & Functional Laryngology incl. practical courses Laryngeal EMG and laryngeal preparation, Universatatsklinikum Wurzburg, Germania, ianuarie 2015;
- Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar in Otolaryngology, Austria, aprilie 2015;
- Master Class “Instrumental Evaluation of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia” Maastricht University Medical Center, Olanda, septembrie 2015;
- Assessment and Diagnosis in the Voice Clinic – British laryngological Association, Queen Elisabeth Hospital, Birmingham, Anglia, martie 2016;
- First Multidisciplinary Meeting on Pain in the Head and Neck Area, Diakonessen Hospital, Utrecht, Olanda, noiembrie 2016;
- Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar in Temporal Bone Dissection, Austria, ianuarie-februarie 2017;
- BLA Study Day: Current Practice in Laryngology – Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scoția – martie 2017.
- Emergency Head & Neck Surgery Cadaver Course; Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, Scotia – octombrie 2017
- Rhinoplasty & Septoplasty – Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation, Scoția – aprilie 2018;
- The 3rd Annual ENT Masterclass Europe, Lausanne, Elveția – octombrie 2018;
- European Academy of Phoniatrics 4th EAP Course on Voice Therapy, Izmir, Turcia – mai 2019;
- Cutting Edge Laryngology, The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scoția – septembrie 2019;
- Global Postlaryngectomy Rehabilitation Academy Master Class, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2022.
- Medical Expert Training in Office-based Phonosurgery,, Hamburg, Germania, February 2023