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Oncologie Medicală

Titluri Științifice

2017: Membru Corespondent al Academiei de Științe Medicale din Romania
2001: Doctor in Medicina, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila” București

Experiență Profesională

2024-prezent : Medic Coordonator al compartimentului Oncologie, spitalul NORD Pipera, București

2015-2024: Medic Șef de Secție, Centru privat Oncologie, București

2002-2015: Medic Șef de Secție Institutul Oncologic București

1996-2024: Medic Primar Oncologie, Institutul Oncologic București

1992-1996: Medic Specialist Oncologie Medicală, Institutul Oncologic București

Educație și Formare

1981: Absolvent al Facultății de Medicină și Farmacie “Carol Davila” București

1981-1984: Medic Stagiar

1984-1988: Medic de Medicină Generală

1989-1991: Medic Rezident Oncologie Medicală Institutul Oncologic București

1991-1996 : Medic Specialist Oncologie Medicală

Membru în Societăți Științifice Medicale Naționale și Internaționale

Membru Certificat la Societății Europene de Oncologie Medicala (ESMO ), confirmat de către Comitetul Științific ESMO in urma examenului promovat la Hamburg 20.10.2000.
Membru al Societății Europene de Oncologie Medicala – ESMO (ID 1606)
Membru al Societății Americane de Oncologie Clinica – ASCO (ID 34465)
Membru al Asociației Internaționale pentru Studiul Cancerului Pulmonar – IASLC (ID 234133)
Membru al Organizației Europene pentru Cercetare si Tratament in Cancer – EORTC (Inst 6052)
2004-2011 Reprezentat National pentru Romania in cadrul Societății Europene de Oncologie Medicala – ESMO
Membru in Editorial Board al Magazine of European Medical Oncology (“memo” ) – Official journal of the Central European cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG), SpringerWien New York Wien, ISSN 1865-5041

Publicații în Reviste Internaționale indexate ISI

1. Unmet needs in EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations in Central and Eastern Europe: reimbursement, diagnostic procedures, and treatment availability.
Maximilian J. Hochmair, Mojca Unk, Jelena Spasic. Timur Cerić, Assia Konsoulova, Mircea Dediu, Krisztina Bogos, Alinta Hegmane, Kersti Oselin, Marko Stojiljkovic, Tina Roblek and Mark Jakopovic
BMC Proc 18 (Suppl 3), 2 (2024).

2. The Unmet Diagnostic and Treatment Needs in Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Lung
Buium, C.; Negru, S.; Ionescu, D.N.; Dediu, M.
Curr. Oncol. 2023, 30, 7218–7228.

3. Perspectives for Cancer Care and Research in Central and Eastern Europe
Christoph Carl Zielinski, Tanja Cufer, Bostjan Seruga, Jacek Jassem, Mircea Dediu, Christiane Thallinger.
Oncol Res Treat 2022 Dec 2. doi: 10.1159/000528487.
Online ahead of print PMID: 36463856 DOI:10.1159/000528487

4. Real-World Testing Practices, Treatment Patterns and Clinical Outcomes in Patients from Central Eastern Europe with EGFR-Mutated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Chart Review Study (REFLECT)
Urška Janžič ,Nina Turnšek,Mircea Dediu,Ivan Shterev Donev, Roxana Lupu ,Gabriela Teodorescu ,Tudor E. Ciuleanu, Adam Pluzanski.
Curr Oncol 2022; 29:5833-5845

5. A Proposal to Redefine Pathologic Complete Remission as Endpoint following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Early Breast Cancer.
Mircea Dediu, Christoph Zielinski.
Breast Care (Basel) 2020 ;15(1):67-71.

6. Reply to the Correspondence by Untch et al. „Concerning Dediu M, Zielinski C: A Proposal to Redefine Pathologic Complete Remission as Endpoint following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Early Breast Cancer”. Mircea Dediu, Christoph Zielinski.
Breast Care (Basel) 2020 ;15(3):314-316.

7. Current trends in Small Cell Lung Cancer management – ASCO 2019 update. M. Dediu.
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (MEMO) 2019; 12: 297–300.

8. Circulating heregulin level is associated with the efficacy of patritumab combined with erlotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Yonesaka, K ; Hirotani, K ; von Pawel, J ; Dediu, M ; Chen, SQ ; Copigneaux, C Nakagawa, K.
Lung Cancer 2017, 105; 1-6

9. Docetaxel in the treatment of castrate resistant advanced prostate cancer: a paradigm in change
Mircea Dediu, Florentina Bratu, Mihaela Amarandei, Eniko Fejer
JBOUN 2016; 21:1379-1382

10. The effect of necitumumab in combination with gemcitabine plus cisplatin on tolerability and on quality of life: results from the phase III SQUIRE trial
Martin Reck, MD, PhD; Mark A. Socinski, MD; Alexander Luft, MD; 4Aleksandra Szczęsna, MD; Mircea Dediu, MD; Rodryg Ramlau, MD, PhD; György Losonczy, MD, DSc, Olivier Molinier, MD; Christian Schumann, MD, PhD; Richard Gralla, MD; Philip Bonomi, MD; Jacqueline Brown, PhD; Victoria Soldatenkova, MS; Nadia Chouaki, MD; Coleman Obasaju, MD, PhD; Patrick Peterson, PhD; Nick Thatcher, MD, PhD,
J. Thorac Oncol 2016 , 11; 808-818

11. Necitumumab plus gemcitabine and cisplatin versus gemcitabine and cisplatin alone as first-line therapy in patients with stage IV squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (SQUIRE): an open-label, randomised, controlled phase 3 trial
Prof Nick Thatcher, FRCP, Fred R Hirsch, MD, Alexander V Luft, MD, Aleksandra Szczesna, MD, Prof Tudor E Ciuleanu, MD, Mircea Dediu, MD, Prof Rodryg Ramlau, MD, Rinat K Galiulin, MD, Beatrix Bálint, MD, Prof György Losonczy, MD, Andrzej Kazarnowicz, MD, Keunchil Park, MD, Prof Christian Schumann, MD, Martin Reck, MD, Henrik Depenbrock, MD, Shivani Nanda, MS, Anamarija Kruljac-Letunic, PhD, Raffael Kurek, MD, Luis Paz-Ares, MD, Prof Mark A Socinski, MD,
Lancet Oncol 2015;16:763-774

12. Necitumumab plus pemetrexed and cisplatin as fi rst-line therapy in patients with stage IV non-squamous non-smallcell lung cancer (INSPIRE): an open-label, randomised,
controlled phase 3 study
Luis Paz-Ares, Jörg Mezger, Tudor E Ciuleanu, Jürgen R Fischer, Joachim von Pawel, Mariano Provencio, Andrzej Kazarnowicz, György Losonczy, Gilberto de Castro Jr, Aleksandra Szczesna, Lucio Crino, Martin Reck, Rodryg Ramlau, Ernst Ulsperger, Christian Schumann, Jose Elias A Miziara, Álvaro E Lessa, Mircea Dediu, Beatrix Bálint, Henrik Depenbrock, Victoria Soldatenkova, Raff ael Kurek, Fred R Hirsch, Nick Thatcher.
Lancet Oncol 2015; 16: 328-337

13. Efficacy and Safety of Maintenance Pemetrexed in Patients with Advanced Nonsquamous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Following Pemetrexed plus Cisplatin Induction Treatment: A Cross-trial Comparison of Two Phase III Trials
G.V. Scagliotti, C. Gridelli, F. de Marinis, M. Thomas, M. Dediu, J.-L. Pujol, C. Manegold, B. San Antonio, P.M. Peterson, W. John, N. Chouaki, C. Visseren-Grul, L.G. Paz-Ares
Lung Cancer 2014; 85: 408-414

14. Long-Term and Low-Grade Safety Results of a Phase III Study (PARAMOUNT): Maintenance Pemetrexed Plus Best Supportive Care Versus Placebo Plus Best Supportive Care Immediately Following Induction Treatment With Pemetrexed Plus Cisplatin for Advanced Nonsquamous Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
J.L. Pujol,L. Paz-Ares,F. de Marinis, M. Dediu, M. Thomas,P. Bidoli,J. Corral,B. San Antonio,N. Chouaki, W. John, A. Zimmermann,C.M. Visseren-Grul, C. Gridelli
Clinical Lung Cancer 2014; 15:418-425

15. Phase II Trial of Mapatumumab, a Fully Human Agonist Monoclonal Antibody to Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand Receptor 1 (TRAIL-R1), in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Joachim von Pawel,Jimmie H. Harvey, David R. Spigel, Mircea Dediu, Martin Reck, Cristina L. Cebotaru, Robin C. Humphreys, Matthew J. Gribbin, Norma Lynn Fox, D. Ross Camidge
Clinical Lung Cancer 2014, Vol. 15, No. 3, 188-96

16. PARAMOUNT: Final Overall Survival Results of the Phase III Study of Maintenance Pemetrexed Versus Placebo Immediately After Induction Treatment With Pemetrexed
Plus Cisplatin for Advanced Nonsquamous Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Luis G. Paz-Ares, Filippo de Marinis, Mircea Dediu, Michael Thomas, Jean-Louis Pujol, Paolo Bidoli, Olivier Molinier, Tarini Prasad Sahoo, Eckart Laack, Martin Reck, Jesu´s Corral, Symantha Melemed, William John, Nadia Chouaki, Annamaria H. Zimmermann, Carla Visseren-Grul, and Cesare Gridelli
J Clin Oncol 2013; 31: 2895-2902

17. An international survey of practice patterns and difficulties in cancer pain management in Southeastern Europe:A Turkish & Balkan Oncology Group common initiative.
Ajlan Atasoy, Gordana Bogdanovic, Archil Aladashvili, Zeljka Cvijetic, Mircea Dediu, Nada Cicmil-Saric, Armen Nersesyan, Athanasios Athanasiou, Nazim Serdar Turhal
JBUON 2013; 18(4): 1082-1087

18. PCN111. A Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Using Sunitinib (SU) in First Line of Metastatic Renal Cancer in Romanian Jurisdiction
Berghea F, Skoupa J, Ciuleanu T, Miron L, Stanculeanu DL, Jinga D Dediu M, Mateescu DN, Hajek, P, Bradatan B, Xuan, J
Value in Health 2013; Volume: 16 Issue: 7 Pages: A411-A412

19. Maintenance therapy with pemetrexed plus best supportive care versus placebo plus best supportive care after induction therapy with pemetrexed plus cisplatin for advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (PARAMOUNT): a double-blind, phase 3, randomised controlled trial
Luis Paz-Ares, Filippo de Marinis, Mircea Dediu, Michael Thomas, Jean-Louis Pujol, Paolo Bidoli, Olivier Molinier, Tarini Prasad Sahoo, Eckart Laack, Martin Reck, Jesús Corral, Symantha Melemed, William John, Nadia Chouaki, Annamaria H Zimmermann, Carla Visseren-Grul, Cesare Gridelli
Lancet Oncology 2012,13: 247-255

20. International, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Phase III Study of Motesanib Plus Carboplatin/Paclitaxel in Patients With Advanced Nonsquamous Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: MONET1
Giorgio V. Scagliotti, Ihor Vynnychenko, Yukito Ichinose, Kaoru Kubota,Fiona Blackhall, Robert Pirker, Rinat Galiulin, Tudor-Eliade Ciuleanu, Oleksandr Sydorenko, Mircea Dediu, Zsolt Papai-Szekely, Natividad Martinez Banaclocha, Sheryl McCoy, Bin Yao, Yong-jiang Hei, Francesco Galimi, David R. Spigel
J Clin Oncol 2012; 30:2829-2836

21. Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IB non-small-cell lung cancer: An analysis of 112 consecutively treated patients.
M. Dediu, O. Ion, R. Ion, A. Alexandru, D. Median, C. Gal, T. Horvat, C. Motas, N. Motas.
J BUON Vol. 17, No 2, 2012, pp 317-322.

22. Controversies in the management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: maintenance therapy”
M. Dediu.
J BUON 2011; 16: 431-433.

23. Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Carboplatin and Paclitaxel With Either Daily Oral Cediranib or Placebo in Advanced Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: NCIC Clinical Trials Group BR24 Study
Glenwood D. Goss, Andrew Arnold, Frances A. Shepherd, Mircea Dediu, Tudor-Eliade Ciuleanu, David Fenton, Mauro Zukin, David Walde, Francis Laberge, Mark D. Vincent, Peter M. Ellis, Scott A. Laurie, Keyue Ding, Eliot Frymire, Isabelle Gauthier, Natasha B. Leighl, Cheryl Ho, Jonathan Noble, Christopher W. Lee, Lesley Seymour
J Clin Oncol 2010 ; 1: 49-55.

24. Treatment-emergent hypertension and outcomes in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy with or without the vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor cediranib: NCIC Clinical Trials Group Study BR 24.
R. Godwin, K. Ding, L. Seymour, A. Lemaitre, A. Arnold, F.A. Shepherd, M. Dediu, T. Ciuleanu, D. Fenton, M. Zukin et al.
Ann Oncol 2010 ; 21:2220-2226

25. The favorable prognostic significance of atelectasis in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Results of a prospective observational study.
Dediu M, Crisan E, Radut M, Tarlea A, Median D, Alexandru A, Vremes G, Gal C.
Lung Cancer. 2009; 63: 271-276.

26. Adjuvant therapy with aromatase inhibitors in postmenopausal, estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer patients: upfront or sequential?
Dediu, M.; Median, D.; Alexandru, A.; et al.
Journal of BUON 2009; 14: 375-379

27. Randomized, double-blind, dose-ranging trial of the oral neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist casopitant mesylate for the prevention of cisplatin-induced nausea and vomiting.
Roila F, Rolski J, Ramlau R, Dediu M, Russo MW, Bandekar RR, Grunberg SM.
Ann Oncol. 2009; 20: 1867-1873

28. XM02, the first biosimilar G-CSF, is safe and effective in reducing the duration of severe neutropenia and incidence of febrile neutropenia in patients with small cell or non-small cell lung cancer receiving platinum-based chemotherapy.
Gatzemeier U, Ciuleanu T, Dediu M, Ganea-Motan E, Lubenau H, Del Giglio A.
J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Jun;4(6):736-40.

29. Controversies around the use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
M. Dediu, O. Ion, R. Ion, C. Gal, D. Median, M. Gongu.
Journal of BUON 2009; 14( Suppl 1): S159-S164.

30. Phase III Study of Pemetrexed Plus Carboplatin Compared With Etoposide Plus Carboplatin in Chemotherapy-Naive Patients With Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Socinski MA, Smit EF, Lorigan P, Konduri K, Reck M, Szczesna A, Blakely J, Serwatowski P, Karaseva NA, Ciuleanu T, Jassem J, Dediu M, Hong S, Visseren-Grul C, Hanauske AR, Obasaju CK, Guba SC, Thatcher N.
J Clin Oncol. 2009 ; 1: 4787-4792.

31. Phase III trial comparing paclitaxel poliglumex (CT-2103, PPX) in combination with carboplatin versus standard paclitaxel and carboplatin in the treatment of PS 2 patients with chemotherapy-naïve advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Langer CJ, O’Byrne KJ, Socinski MA, Mikhailov SM, Leśniewski-Kmak K, Smakal M, Ciuleanu TE, Orlov SV, Dediu M, Heigener D, Eisenfeld AJ, Sandalic L, Oldham FB, Singer JW, Ross HJ.
J Thorac Oncol. 2008 Jun;3(6):623-30.

32. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung and pancreatic cancer: the emerging role of erlotinib.
M. Dediu, D. Median, A. Alexandru, G. Vremes, C. Gal.
Journal of BUON 2007; 12 ( Suppl 1) : S137-S149.

33. Compliance with adjuvant chemoherapy in no-small cell lung cancer. The experience of a single institution evaluating a cohort of 365 patients.
M. Dediu, A. Alexandru, D. Median, R. Anghel, P. Iorga, M. Movanu.
Journal of BUON 2006; 11: 425-432.

34. Adjuvant chemotherapy for radically resected non-small cell lung cancer. A retrospective analysis of 311 consecutively treated patients.
M. Dediu, T. Horvat, A. Tarlea, R. Anghel, I. Cordos, G. Miron, P. Iorga, A. Alexandru, C. Nistor, C. Grozavu, C. Savu.
Lung Cancer 2005 ; 47 : 93-101.

35. Erlotinib in previously treated non-smll-cell lung cancer.
Shepherd F, Rodrigues P, Ciuleeanu TT, Tan E, Hirsh V, Sumitra T, Campos D, Maloeekoonpiroj S, Smyle M, Martins R, van Kooten M, Dediu M, et al.
The New England Journal of Medicine, 2005; 353 :123-132.

36. Anthracycline pretreated patients: who is who in the chemotherapy choice of relapsed breast cancer ?.
M. Dediu, A. Alexandru, D. Median
Journal of BUON 2005; 10 : 323-328.

37. Chemotherapy for resectable non-small cell lung cancer. It’s time for a change in the current paradigm.
M.Dediu, A. Alexandru, D. Median, G. Vremes. Athanasios E. Athanassiou editor.Lung cancer: Current Status and Perspectives.
A Special edition of Journal of BUON 2005, Sept; 61- 88. ISSN 1107-0625.

38. Split course radiation with concurrent Vinorelbine (NVB) and Cisplatin (CDDP) in locally advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). A phase II study
M. Dediu, A. Tarlea, P. Iorga, M. Radut, A. Alexandru, G. Miron, C. Cornila.
Journal of BUON 2004; 9: 167-172.

39. Should we discard vinorelbine plus cisplatin from the first line treatment of non-small cell lung cancer ? (Letter to the editor)
M. Dediu.
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2004; 22 : 1345- 1347.

40. Controversies in the management of non-small cell lung cancer: chemotherapy around surgery; pre or post-operative ?
M. Dediu.
Journal of BUON 2003; 8:97-100.

41. Combined modality treatment for stage III non-small cell lung cancer : the performance , the actors and the backstage.
M. Dediu
Journal of BUON 7: 85-86, 2002.

42. Is long term gemcitabine useful in small cell lung cancer? (Letter to the Editor)
M. Dediu.
Lung Cancer 2002 ;36 : 217-218.

43. A comparative evaluation of surgery followed by adjuvant chemo-radiation versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemo-radiation, for stage III A non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A multi institutional study.
M. Dediu, Teodor Horvat, Alin Tarlea, Emilia Crisan, Mirela Movanu, Alexandru Nicodin, Polixenia Iorga, Maria Radut
Journal of BUON Vol 6, No 1, pp : 29-35, 2001.

44. High dose cisplatin and concurrent radiation therapy in stage III A non-small cell lung cancer.
M. Dediu,A. Tarlea, R. Anghel, M. Radut, E . Crisan.
Journal of B.U.ON. ( Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology) Volume 5,No 1, pp 17-24,2000.

45. Second look surgery in ovarian cancer : controversy between theoretical justification and practical results.
M. Dediu , V. Tarlea,M. Movanu.
Journal of B.U.ON. ( Official Journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology) Volume 4, No 2 ,pp :199-202,1999.

46. Current trends in small cell lung cancer management—
ASCO 2019 update.
M. Dediu
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo)2019

47. ESMO 2017 -my personal highlights.
Kiessewetter B, Dediu M, Bartsch R.
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) 2018; 11: 77-79

48. My personal highlights of ESMO 2016
Dediu, M; Gerger,; Zojer, N ; Bartsch, R
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) Feb 2017; 10:46-47

49. Maintenance therapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer : fact or myth?
M. Dediu.
Editorial article, Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) 2011; 4: 1-2.

50. Adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IB NSCLC: implication of the new TNM staging system.
M. Dediu.
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) 2011; 4: 16-18.

51. Non-small cell lung cancer. (ASCO update)
M. Dediu, W. Hilbe
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) 2008; 1:247-251.

52. Adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IB non-small cell lung cancer : if, when, how?
M. Dediu.
Magazine of European Medical Oncology (memo) 2008; 1: 61-65.

53. Pemetrexed in non-small-cell lung cancer
Mircea Dediu, Aurelia Alexandru, Florentina Bratu
Lung Cancer Management, June 2014, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pages 273-285.

54. Management of patients with NSCLC in progression after 1st line chemotherapy
M. Dediu
Endoscopic Review (Journal of Slovene Association of endoscopic Surgery and Society of Gastroenterologic Endoscopy) 2008; 13: 29-34.

55. “Vitamin B-12 forbidden for cancer patients “: a dogma with validity term expired.
M. Dediu
British Medical Journal (BMJ) (Romanian language edition), Nr 2, Volume 6; pp :86,1999.

Speaker Invitat la Congrese Internaționale

1. Increasing Survival in Stage III NSCLC: Optimizing Care.
M. Dediu. CEE Academy Lung Cancer. Vienna ; 15-16 Nov 2019.

2. Systemic therapy of MPM.
M. Dediu. Multidisciplinary refresher course on Thoracic Malignancies April 5-6, 2019, Brdo, Slovenia.

3. Biochemical recurrence of localized prostate cancer.
M. Dediu. 4th South East European Prostate Cancer Forum. 21 – 23 MARCH 2019, Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof, Vienna, Austria

4. Systemic therapy of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
M. Dediu. CECOG Academy , 2018; feb 18, Brdo, Slovenia

5. Current management of inoperable stage III NSCLC.
M. Dediu. CECOG Academy , 2018; feb 18, Brdo, Slovenia.

6. New concepts in the era of Immune Check point inhibitors (PACIFIC).
M. Dediu. CECOG Academy, Lung Cancer, 2-3 November 2017, Vienna

7. Unsanctifing the Sanctuary : challenges and opportunities with brain metastases .
M. Dediu. CECOG Academy, Lung Cancer, 2-3 November 2017, Vienna.

8. Current status of docetaxel in advanced hormone sensitive prostate cancer.
M. Dediu. 2nd South East European Prostate Cancer Forum, 23-24 Feb 2017, Zagreb, Croatia

9. How to read clinical trials-take home messages for the clinician.
M. Dediu. Central European Initiative against Lung Cancer. 5th Expert Forum. 01 April 2017, Prague, Czech, Republic

10. Current status and further perspectives in the treatment of EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer.
M. Dediu. The 10th Annual World Cancer Congress, 19-21 may 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

11. Second line treatment in advanced NSCLC.
M. Dediu. The 2015 Controlling Cancer Summit 12th-14th May 2015 London, UK

12. Case Discussions: Optimal Diagnosis and Treatment of ALK+ NSCLC Patients
M. Dediu . 14th Central European Lung Cancer Conference. Vienna ,29.11.-02.12.2014.

13. LUME-Lung 1/ Nintedanib update.
M. Dediu. 14th Central European Lung Cancer Conference. Vienna ,29.11.-02.12.2014

14. “LUME Lung 2 – exploratory finding of a clinical biomarker which was prospectively investigated and validated with positive Lume Lung 1 results
M. Dediu. Central European Initiative against lung cancer. Expert Forum . Vienna.16- 17.03.2014

15. “How to diagnose and manage NSCLC with the new drugs” – an interactive session: To continue or not to continue, that is the question?
M.Dediu. European Respiratory Society Congress, Vienna, 2 September 2012

16. Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IB non-small cell lung cancer. An analysis of 112 consecutively treated patients.
M. Dediu, 12 Central-European Lung Cancer Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 December 2010

17. Controversies around the use of the monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
M. Dediu, 3rd BSO Seminar, Volos, Greece, 10-12 September 2009.

18. Breast Cancer: Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy of the Future.
M. Dediu, 7th Congress of the Balkan Union of Oncology; Kusadasi, Turkey, 15-19 October 2008

19. Management of patients with NSCLC in progression after 1st line chemotherapy
M. Dediu, 11th CELCC, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 12-14 June 2008,Ljubljana,Slovenia

20. EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung and pancreatic cancer: the emerging role of erlotinib.
M. Dediu, Balkan School Of Oncology 2, Volos, Greece 6-8 September 2007

21. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a new therapeutic avenue in non-small cell lung cancer M. Dediu, 6th CONGRESS OF THE BALKAN UNION OF ONCOLOGY, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-16 September 2006

22. Confounding factors influencing patients’ compliance with adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) in econstruct non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A multivariate analysis.
M. Dediu, 6th CONGRESS OF THE BALKAN UNION OF ONCOLOGY, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-16 September 2006

23. Atelectasis as a good prognostic factor for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
M. Dediu, 6th CONGRESS OF THE BALKAN UNION OF ONCOLOGY, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13-16 September 2006

24. Patient Outcome Following Adjuvant Chemotherapy (CT) in Completely Resected, Stage I-IIIB, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
M. Dediu, 10th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 10 March 2006

25. Chemotherapy for resesctable non-small cell lung cancer. It’s time for a change in the current paradigm.
M. Dediu, First educational course of BSO, Volos, Greece, 16-17 September 2005

26. Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in NSCLC
M. Dediu European Lung Cancer Experts Board, Vienna, Austria, 24-25 November 2005

27. Cisplatin based adjuvant chemotherapy in completelly resected non-small cell lung cancer.(Oral presentation OP98).
M. Dediu, T. Horvat, A. Tarlea, R. Anghel, G. Miron. Fifth Congress of The Balkan Union of Oncology (BUON), 14-17 October ,2004, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.

28. Adjuvant chemotherapy in the non-small cell lung cancer (Oral presentation).
M. Dediu. Symposium : New approaches in the diagnosis and treatement of non-small cell lung cancer. Fifth Congress of The Balkan Union of Oncology (BUON), 14-17 October ,2004, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. Procceedings/educational book. Balkan union of oncology. C-129.

29. Chemotherapy around surgery: Pre or Post-operative.
M. Dediu, Congress of the Balkan Union of Oncology nov.22-23, 2002 Athens

30. Current situation of oncology in Romania
M. Dediu, Congress of the Balkan Union of Oncology nov.22-23, 2002 Athens

Cărți Publicate

1. Ghid pentru diagnosticul si tratamentul cancerului Pulmonar
Autor: Mircea Dediu.
Editura Inedit, Bucuresti, 1999, ISBN 973-96829-7-9 ;

2. Cancerul Brohopulmonar
Autori: T. Horvat, M. Dediu, A. Tarlea.
Editura Universul, Bucuresti, 2000. ISBN 973-9027-55-5 ;

3. Ghid pentru diagnosticul si tratamentul cancerului Pulmonar
Autori: M. Dediu, T. Horvat, R. Anghel, A. Tarlea.
Editura Universul, Bucuresti, 2003, ISBN 973-9027-69-5;

4. Tratamentul adjuvant in cancerul de san.
Autori: M. Dediu, R. Anghel.
Editura Universul, Bucuresti, 2004, ISBN 973-9027-79-2;

5. Noua stadializare si tendintele actuale de tratament in cancerul de san.
Autori: M. Dediu, R. Anghel, D. Nutu, E. Busila, A. Silaghi, S. Donea, M. Iftimie, D. Spataru, G. Miron
Editura DAYA, ISBN 973- 7756- 04-5; pp : 285

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