Experiență Profesională
2018-2022: Medic Rezident Radiologie și Imagistică Medicală
Educație și Formare
2019: „Innovative Treatments in Oncology” Conference
2018: Zilele Insitutului Fundeni
2011-2017: Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila” Bucuresti
Congrese și Seminarii
2019: Curs de IMagistica Mediastino-Cardio-Pulmonara
2018: “Young European Hepatologist Course”
2018: „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Congress
2017: The First Translational and Personalized Oncology Symposium to Combat Cancer-STOP CANCER
2017: Medical International Conference for Students
2015: French-Romanian Course of Digestive Oncology
2019: Computed tomography, angiography in arterial complications of the hepatic transplantation:
technique, diagnosis criteria and structured report
2017: The incidence of multiple cancers at patients with digestive and extradigestive primary cancers
– retrospective study unfolded in the Fundeni Center of Hepatology and Gastroenterology
2017: The role of microsatellite instability in patients with stage II colorectal cancer